Monday, November 30, 2009

Family Update – Marty Kantola’s Family

Since we have blogging experience, I (Kristi) have been “nominated” to represent our family on this blog :)

My parents (Marty & Debbie) recently went to McCall and Boise to visit Grandma Edith Kantola. It’s a beautiful time of year in McCall and they had a great visit with Grandma. She is in good spirits and really enjoyed seeing them. Here’s a few pictures from their trip.collageIMG_2435 collage2 The house in Donnelly, ID where my Dad grew up:collage3Visit with Grandma:
IMG_2464 IMG_2466  IMG_2467Just a quick family update. Anthony and I are living in Melbourne, Australia on a two-year contract with PricewaterhouseCoopers, Anthony’s employer. We are working on plans to move back to the northwest in May 2010, but in the meantime you can read about our “adventures” on our personal blog:

Katie got her master’s in education three years ago and has been teaching ever since. She has taught third grade, second grade, and this year she is teaching kindergarten. She lives in an apartment in Hockinson, about 20 minutes from Vancouver, WA.

Jason is in his third year at Northwest University just outside Seattle, WA. He is planning to major in communications. He is living in a house with two other guys near the university and enjoying being out on his own.

Dad and Mom just celebrated their 30th anniversary in August! They are part-time “empty-nesters” while Jason is in school. But Jason spends summers at home, so they don’t get too much of a chance to be lonely :)

We had some family pictures taken in September this year when Anthony and I were home for a visit. (From left to right: Katie, Anthony, Kristi, Marty, Debbie, Jason)

Family Pics 2009 103 Click here if you’d like to see more pictures: Family Pictures 2009

We have enjoyed staying in contact with everyone and love this greater family blog. We hope you all have a wonderful holiday season! Love, Kristi & Anthony (Marty, Debbie, Katie, & Jason)

Monday, November 2, 2009

In Gratitude - Aunt Darline

Hello All~

Wanted to take a moment and thank my Aunt Darline. 2009 is a year in which she has faced a devastating loss of her husband Arlon to cancer. She also helped her sister Donna bury her husband of 50 years, Mel. When Dad was diagnosed with cancer earlier this year, it was a tough blow to all of us. We have all tried to step up and help in our own way. Darline has spent the better part of a month being a daily taxi driver to Philadelphia (1.5 hours each way) and a waiting room and chemotherapy/infusion companion. It has been unbelievably difficult for all of us to watch Dad fight, endure pain and be unable to talk. But the grace it has required of Darline none of us can truly understand. She has taught me to have the strength to look outside of myself when others need something I can give. She has given her time and empathy in a period of grieving when none of us could have asked it of her. As she gets ready to leave and get on with living, I wanted to let her know that her sacrifice has not gone unnoticed. We love you and thank you for all you have done.


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Gary is Determined.

Some of you may understand the stubbornness that can be in ones spirit. This week while I was able to attend the Thursdays nursing consults and doctors visits, I saw the glint in Gary's eyes. Their words to him were most people are on feeding tubes at this stage of his treatment so we want more follow-up visits and oversight. Gary said no he was not taking a feeding tube. Gary said he does not need to return to Philly on Thursday for an extra appointment. He is determined to get nutritional food in his body to offset the effects of the treatment on his body. This morning breakfast was warm milk and toast, two eggs, oatmeal, water, milk and tea.

I commented to him, "May the records in the Doctors Journals record the results of one who has a different path of recovery."

Family Blessed...Love deeply...Trust in God....Always forgive......Tricia

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Great News!!!

Hello all~

On Thursday, Dad's radiation oncologist (who funnily enough looks like Mr Bean) declared that his tumor is "virtually gone". Last week he also got the news that he is responding so well they are reducing his radiation dose daily. He will be done in six more radiation treatments and one more round of chemo. He has received amazing medical care by a wonderful team of world-renowned doctors (Drs Ridge, Mehra, Gupta and Nicholeau) at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia. As hard as the treatment has been on Dad, thankfully we never had to worry about the quality of his care. I cannot stress how much everyone's thoughtfulness has buoyed my parents over these past few months. We are so grateful!!
Once he is finished with radiation his mouth will start to heal and hopefully he will be able to eat easier. He is able to eat some solid food now, so his swallowing functioning is on the mend. We are looking forward to him gaining weight. He is also regaining his ability to speak which is a huge blessing! I am looking forward to the day when I can call him on the phone and chat about something else other than this cancer. It has been a long time!
Darline has been able to spend some quality time with my parents as of late. Due to her recent loss of her husband it goes without saying how gracious she has been. We cannot thank her enough for her giving of her time and of her heart.
Mom and Dad will be winging West for some rest and relaxation once this nightmare is over. Will post where and when when I have details.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Fall is here - Giving Thanks

Hello Family,

I know a lot of you are praying for my Dad and he is in your thoughts. I thought I would take a minute to share how his community has responded and is lifting up Mom and Dad daily.

A local pastor's wife, Marcia, has taken over a ride log so Dad has a ride every day down to his treatments and Dr appointments. Mom has started a new job this summer and has been unable to accompany him. She has coordinated the whole thing and not once has Dad had to drive himself. God is good. The local pastors, part of a multi-denominational group called One Voice, have been predominantly the ones to drive him. His sister Darline will be in town tomorrow and will start driving him for two weeks or so.

Also, his worship pastor, Hal Ferguson, has led a widespread fund-raising effort to cover any medical costs associated with his treatments. So far over $33,000 has been raised. This has mostly come from local churches in the Lehigh Valley, people from Our Father's House (Dad's church) and from other pastors who have mentored or have been mentored by Dad. This is truly a testament that God will provide in a time of need. He has literally used the network of believers to remove the financial burden this disease placed on my parents. This is a testament to Dad's calling to unify the local churches regardless of ideology.

Last Sunday a local Baptist church organized a community-wide concert and fundraiser. They raised over $2000 and over 40 individuals wrote Dad notes on how he had touched their lives in a gratitude offering.

He has finished 4 weeks of a 7 week treatment course. He has battled through pain and nausea. He has lost ~50 pounds. But he is fighting and the tumor on his tongue is shrinking. Today, for the first time in weeks, he was able to eat a small amount of regular food. We are blessed that some of his normal tongue function (speech and swallowing) is seemingly returning. That was a huge unknown. Thank you, thank you, thank you for every thought, every prayer, every note and card. We are blessed to have such wonderful family and friends.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Gary Kantola Update

Hello all. We are well in PA. We have been blessed to have Cheri come for this week to our home. She has cooked (8) soups in all, made apple pie, ice cream, driven to Fox Chase and got her Dad an Ipod. This gadget is quite handy enduring the treatment process. He can do his email and enjoy sermons and music with one handy hand held gadget.

Gary has now completed 14 treatments. He is scheduled for chemo again on Tuesday. During examination Thursday the doctor said the front of his tongue is (beautifully normaly) pink. The tumor is receding on the side of his tongue like a glacier.

Thank you for your prayers and concern. We have heard from the physicians the couple of weeks ahead may be challenging due to the effects of treatment. We will persevere with the Lord as our strength. We covet you prayers as his tongue is painful as he works to include table food..strained as it is. He has gained 5 pounds this week.

Darline is due to come to visit in a week and a half. We are looking forward to her visit.

Be blessed and have a great week.
Tricia and Gary Kantola

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Update Gary Kantola

No pictures with this one.. chuckle. We are not as good lookin in PA.

Today apx. 7 a.m. e.s.t. Gary went to Fox Chase with a local pastor, Tim Helms as a driver. I understand that today Gary will have a chemo treatment(first of three) and radiation (first of 35). This will treat the tumor on his tongue.

We thank you for all of your inquiries. If you want to let Gary know you are thinking of him it is probably better to TEXT.. 610-360-9583. He does listen to his voicemails.

We love you. Sorry we were not able to come to the reunion.

We keep the mountains beyond McCall forever in our minds .. it is a daily reminder and uplifter of our spirits. We are leaning on the Creator of our bodies to bring us through this Hike.

Be Blessed..Gary and Tricia Kantola

Monday, September 7, 2009

Kantola Family Reunion 09

McKenzie River Camp - Kantola Reunion 2009. Thanks Mike and Terryl Kaiser for organizing a great time!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Update on Wilda Kantola


I have never tried checking out a blog before but I think this is a wonderful way for me to keep up with what the family is doing and maybe add a word or two about our happenings.

I don't believe we have met. My name is Karla Kantola Westeren and I live in Gig Harbor, Washington with my husband Ron and my mother, Wilda (Walt) Kantola. I haven't be to a family reunion with my Kantola relatives for so many years that I am not well known or, for that matter, do I know so many of the younger members of the family.

I really would have loved to be with you all this year but my mother, who has Alzheimer's, has had a relapse of her colon cancer and is now starting to lose weight. At 89, she has done very well considering her health conditions but is not good at traveling or being in a strange area because it alters her mental stability. I have included a picture of my mother on her 80th birthday. This was taken before the ravages of Alzheimer's and age started to alter her appearance.

Family members my age are now the older generation of the Kantola family and sadly some have already passed. That really saddens me and makes me realize that I have to reconnect while I still can see everyone. Jack has been reminding me of that for awhile now. I look forward to maybe being able to be with you all next year.

Thank you again for creating this family blog. I will watch for it and hopefully be able to see some pictures of the family reunion entered.


Mel Kaiser's Memorial Service

Uncle Mel's service was such a wonderful send-off. Mike and Dennis did such a great job remembering their father and honoring him. It was a memorable gathering of good friends and family.